Tuesday, May 4, 2010

I was SO angry a couple of days ago...

Ok here it is: my first ranting blog post. Are you ready? I know you can barely conceal your excitement.
Today I got in a huge fight with my father and in the process he verbally attacked me (like usual) and Charlene. Big no-no on that one, as he learned very quickly. To anyone who reads this: please don't mistreat the ones you love. They are more important than anything else and do not deserve to be treated harshly just because you are mad. No excuses.
Second: Everyone has had a staring problem today. Sure, ok, I have a foot long blonde mowhawk and a yellow bandanna in my pocket and a wallet chain and black skinny jeans. Ooh haven't seen an individual before? Shit. It's not like my hair is spiked, or I'm screaming my radical ideals on a street corner. Calm your shit people. I have had five people blatantly stop what they are doing to watch me. I have been mildly accused of stealing from Walgreens. Really? Tell me that had nothing to do with my appearance. Tell me.
As I am writing this one of my ex girlfriends is walking by me, obviously judging me and glaring all the same. So I just told her off. Right in the middle of a library lobby that sort of echoes. Don't start anything with me today. I'll finish it.
On top of everything, the love of my life is also having a bad day and I fear more than anything that I can't cheer her up. Here's to hoping.
I am trying to keep my head up in a world that is constantly oppressing my attempts to stretch my wings.
Most importantly however, I am keeping in mind that I am unique. I am an individual. I am a riot grrrl who will change the world. And I will NOT be silent.